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Página inicial / Sobre nós / Sustentabilidade / A sustainable offer / A sustainable offering throughout the value chain matrix

A sustainable offering throughout the value chain


Goals  Key activities Status 2021
Production (Scope 1, 2)    
  • Reduce carbon emissions from production by 50% (equivalent to 4,000 tons CO2e*, baseline 2019) by 2030
  • Program for energy-efficiency enhancement has been
    initiated at every production unit
  • Increased use of renewable energy
  • Total carbon emissions from production: 2,509 tons CO2e*
  • Share of renewable energy: 42%
  • CO2 emissions in relation to production area: 0.05 (CO2e*/m2)
  • Two production units have transitioned to 100% renewable electricity
Vehicles (Scope 1)    
  • Reduce carbon emissions from production by 50% (equivalent to 22,000 tons CO2e*, baseline 2019) by 2030
  • Gradual transition to low emission vehicles 
  • Improved calculation method for CO2e* emission using the GHG protocol tool as calculation tool and method.
  • Total carbon emissions from vehicles: 22,000 tons CO2e*
  • Average emission for passenger cars and vans: 178 g CO2e*/km
Transport (Scope 3)    
  • Reduce carbon emissions from transportation by 50% (equivalent to 41,000 tons CO2e*, baseline 2019) by 2030
  • Increased efficiency through consolidation of customer deliveries
  • Continued collaboration with suppliers to reduce carbon emissions
  • Enhanced fill rate in transportation
  • Total carbon emissions from transports: 45,200 tons CO2e*
  • The amount of air transport rose during the year due to challenges in the global supply chain caused by the pandemic
Business travel (Scope 3)    
  • Reduce carbon emissions from transportation by 50% (equivalent to 20,000 tons CO2e*, baseline 2019) by 2030
  • Reduced travel and increased number of digital meetings, and opting for sustainable alternatives such as rail instead of air travel
  • Total carbon emissions from business travel: 1,200 tons CO2e*
  • Business travel dropped significantly during the year due to the pandemic
Waste management - hazardous and non-hazardous (Scope 3)    
  • Reduce carbon emissions from waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) by 50% (equivalent to 1,218 tons, baseline 2021) by 2030
  • Reduce environmental impact from non-recyclable waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) by 50% (baseline 2021, 495 tons) by 2030
  • Waste management improved through the use of the waste hierarchy principle based on the strategy to minimize, reuse and recycle material
  • Improvement project for waste reduction
  • Total waste from production: 1,218 tons
  • Non-recyclable production waste in relation to total production waste: 40% (495 tons)
  • Total hazardous waste in relation to total production waste: 3% (38 tons)
  • Total waste related to sales: 0.13 (tons/MSEK)
  • All packaging will be made of 100% recycled or recyclable material (baseline to be defined in 2022) by 2030
  • Reduction of total amount of packaging
  • Increased share of recycled or recyclable packaging
  • Increased demands on sub-suppliers regarding recycled and recyclable packaging
  • Packaging material with recycled contents: 25% (520 tons)
  • Packaging material using renewable material (paper,
    wood): 98%
Circular economy    
  • Reduce total resource consumption while simultaneously improving performance and customer value
  • All new product development follows eco-design principles
  • Continuous product portfolio lifecycle analyses followed-up by plans to reduce footprint
  • Implementation of cross-functional lifecycle analysis training starting in 2021
  • Life cycle analyses for two products completed
  • Two workshops completed globally with 75 participants
    from all relevant functions
Arjo’s Board of Directors monitors progress twice per year, and is responsible for contributing to and approving plans. As a standing item on a monthly agenda, the Arjo Management Team follows the implementation of the plans across the company. Smart, cross-functional teams drive initiatives and projects that proactively contribute to the agenda’s key goals. Every quarter, a sustainability forum is held comprised of managers from all functions and under the management of Arjo’s President and CEO
*For complete information, see Arjo's Annual Report 2021