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Prone positioning

Your partner for safe, easy prone positioning

With our prone positioning solutions, you can lower the risk of injury associated with prone positioning. And the number of caregivers… And the physical effort needed to carry out a safe and controlled manoeuvre every time. Find out how.
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Prone positioning is a mainstay of treatment in COVID-19-related ARDS. But, with ICUs under pressure, it can be challenging to carry out safely.

Patients at risk

Turning an ICU patient can be complex. They are often heavily sedated, medically paralysed, ventilated and attached to multiple pieces of equipment.

Patients often spend up to 16 hours per day in the prone position.¹ These sessions are associated with an increased risk of pressure injury.²

Risk of caregiver injury

The manual handling of patients without supportive equipment is a key risk factor for musculoskeletal injury in nurses and therapists.³

Repositioning dependent patients within their bed is the single greatest risk factor for musculoskeletal injuries for caregivers⁴


Making prone positioning safer and easier

With decades of global expertise in patient handling, pressure injury prevention and care of the critically ill, we have a broad range of solutions and clinical services to help you reduce some of the complexities associated with prone positioning.

Turning to and from the prone position

Prone positioning involves turning a patient onto their chest. This may sound like a straightforward task. However, clinicians appreciate that this can be a complex, labour-intensive manoeuvre that can put both patients and caregivers at risk.

In the prone position

Patients often spend up to 16 hours out of every 24-hour period in the prone position⁵. Such lengthy sessions are associated with an increased risk of pressure injury.⁶


  1. Papazian, L., Aubron, C., Brochard, L., Chiche, J., Combes, A., Dreyfuss, D., Forel, J., Guérin, C., Jaber, S., Mekontso-Dessap, A., Mercat, A., Richard, J., Roux, D., Vieillard-Baron, A. and Faure, H., 2019. Formal guidelines: management of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Annals of Intensive Care, 9(1).
  2. Bamford, P., et al, 2019. Guidance For: Prone Positioning in Adult Critical Care. Intensive Care Society and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
  3. Richardson et al., 2019. Perspectives on preventing musculoskeletal injuries in nurses: A qualitative study. Nursing Open.
  4. Wiggermann, N., Zhou, J. and McGann, N., 2020. Effect of Repositioning Aids and Patient Weight on Biomechanical Stresses When Repositioning Patients in Bed. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
  5. Guerin C, et al, 2013. Prone positioning in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med.
  6. Girard R, Baboi L, et al., 2014. The impact of patient positioning on pressure ulcers in patients with severe ARDS: results from a multicentre randomised controlled trial on prone positioning. Intensive Care Med.
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