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World Thrombosis Day - VTE: Diagnosis - Management - Prevention

Dr. Merriman will present on VTE diagnosis and management utilising a patient case study, extending into discussions on antiphosolipid syndrome and malignancy induced events. She will also outline the importance of appropriate VTE prevention strategies with a focus on both medical and surgical patients.


Dr. Merriman

Clinical Director of Haematology and Lead Thrombosis Clinician at North Shore Hospital, Auckland NZ.

Dr. Merriman is the Clinical Director of Haematology and Lead Thrombosis Clinician at North Shore Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand and is also the current New Zealand councillor and past president of THANZ (2017-2019), a member of the THANZ Clinical Trials Group, and a member of the ASCOT (Australasian Covid 19 trial) anticoagulation and VITT (Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia) working groups.

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