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Strona główna / Wiedza / Webinary i e-learning / World Thrombosis Day - It's more than just a clot: Look at the forest through the trees
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World Thrombosis Day - It's more than just a clot: Look at the forest through the trees

Most venous thromboembolism (VTE) endpoint data relates to pulmonary embolism, however post-thrombotic syndrome is often overlooked as a VTE complication and creates a greater health burden within the community.


This webinar explores the concepts of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) by reviewing the anatomy and physiology of PTS and how we can prevent its occurrence. The consequences of PTS development will then be examined with a review of the current treatment recommendations and ongoing management of PTS offering clinical insight for all clinical professionals.


Adjunct Professor David Hardman​ 
Adj. Professor Hardman is a vascular surgeon in public and private practice across the ACT. In addition, he holds clinical appointments including Adjunct Professor in Surgery and Anatomy at the University of Canberra, Head of Department of Vascular Surgery, and senior governance roles at Calvary John James Hospital.



Adj.Professor David Hardman

Adj. Professor Hardman is a vascular surgeon in public and private practice across the ACT. In addition, he holds clinical appointments including Adjunct Professor in Surgery and Anatomy at the University of Canberra, Head of Department of Vascular Surgery, and senior governance roles at Calvary John James Hospital.

Shannon Garvin

Product Manager Vascular Therapies and Reprocessing Australia, South East Asia & Pacific - Arjo

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