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Strona główna / Wiedza / Webinary i e-learning / Exploring the Damage Cascade and the Inflammatory Response: The Impact on PI Development
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Exploring the Damage Cascade and the Inflammatory Response: The Impact on PI Development

Pressure ulcer or pressure injury affects thousands of lives and is a major concern for healthcare providers. 

Arjo is welcoming you to join Amit Gefen, a professor of Biomedical Engineering as we discuss the evolving perspectives on pressure injury development and how early non visible tissue damage can be identified with biophysical markers - Sub Epidermal Moisture (SEM).

The webinar will explore the scientific basis of biocapacitance and SEM measurements and the need for early intervention in Pressure Injury Prevention.


Professor Amit Gefen

Professor für Biomedizinische Technik an der Universität Tel AvivHerbert J. Berman-Lehrstuhl für vaskuläre Biotechnik

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