Showing: 44 results
The power of intervention in pressure injury prevention and management
The power of intervention in pressure injury prevention and management Discover key interventions in pressure injury prevention and management to enhance patient care and outcomes. Learn more on Arjo’s blog. The power of intervention in pressure injury prevention and management by Sharon Maris, Director Global Medical Affairs for Pressure Injury Prevention Pressure injury prevention interventions are key to reducing the risk of developing painful, resource intensive and costl
Citadel Plus Bariatric Care System
Det er svært viktig for pleiepersonale å bevare pasientens verdighet. Dette er spesielt viktig for overvektige pasienter, som misliker oppmerksomheten og oppfattet stigmatisering i forbindelse med bruk av bariatrisk spesialutstyr på sykehuset.
Meeting the infection control challenge when selecting a support surface
patients and staff at all times, in a range of different settings requires a robust process, where care and treatment can be delivered without the risk of infection due to poor hygiene standards.
Preventing Pressure injuries in Patients with Reduced Mobility
patients to help prevent skin damage¹. While a pressure redistribution mattress may enable the repositioning regimen to be individualised, regular postural change is still important but not without risk to the patient or caregiver.
Når man tilrettelegger for mobilitet i perioder med sykehusinnleggelse, bidrar man til raskere restitusjon og økt selvstendighet hos pasientene, slik at de kan vende tilbake til livet utenfor sykehuset.
How to prevent pressure injury during patient rehabilitation
Empowering movement is fundamental to any patient rehabilitation programme and is a core principle in the prevention of pressure injury development. With the impact of the current pandemic, the focus on mobilising and rehabilitating patients earlier and often throughout the day has never been higher.
IndiGo er det intuitive kjørehjelpemidlet som gjør lettere transport tilgjengelig for enhver pleier ved bare en berøring – sikkert og enkelt.
Passiv stående stilling
Den stående stillingen i Sara Combilizer kan brukes for pasienter med redusert Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) eller ortostatisk hypotensjon, eller for pasienter som er klare til å begynne mer aktiv rehabilitering. Overgang til stående stilling kan oppnås gradvis og trygt.