
現在地: Japan (日本語)
ホーム / Rehabilitation through Empowering Movement



Rehabilitation and early mobility programs have demonstrated numerous benefits to patients, caregivers and healthcare facilities.

For patients: 

  • Reduces the degree of muscle loss and minimises the poor physical conditionassociated with prolonged bed rest
  • Improves functional status at hospital discharge
  • Improves walking ability at discharge
  • Improves health related quality of life

For caregivers: 

  • Reduces need for physical assistance
  • Improves working efficiencies by supporting asingle handedcare approach 
  • Can help to reduce risk of injury
  • Releases time to care

For Facilities: 

  • Cost reductions associated with reduced hospital length of stay
  • Reduces readmissions
  • Reduces cost associated with caregiver work related injury

Our rehabilitation guide offers suggestions to assist and enhance moments for mobility by introducing technology as a supporting aid in rehabilitation therapy.  

During the rehabilitation process, mobility assistive technologies can be seen as a ‘mobility partner’ to facilitate functional mobility, promote patient safety and reduce caregiver injury. 

Best practice guidelines support the use of assistive technology during mobility and rehabilitation to empower mobility and reduce the risk of hospital acquired harm. 

To download a copy of our guide: Rehabilitation through Empowering Movement, please complete and submit you details. 

*All references available in our guide “Rehabilitation through Empowering Movement”.