Showing: 143 results
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Sit to stand study shows Sara Flex 'allows more forward knee movement
An evaluation of 6 different sit to stand devices for use in rehabilitation shows an 'overwhelming preference' for the Sara® Flex knee support during a study in Loughborough University, UK.
Prioma bedside cabinet
The Prioma Bedside Cabinet, provides an excellent extension and addition to your hospital beds.
Primo Ferro
Primo Ferro is a height-adjustable bathing system designed to enable the care and treatment of burns and chronic skin conditions.
Annual General Meeting 2019
At the Annual General Meeting of Arjo AB held on 7 May 2019, the following was resolved. Johan Malmquist (Chairman), Carl Bennet, Eva Elmstedt, Ulf Grunander, Carola Lemne and Joacim Lindoff were re-elected as members of the Board. Dan Frohm was elected as new member of the Board.