Showing: 75 results
Carl Bennet
in Economics, Göteborg University and Dr. Tech. h.c., Luleå University of Technology. Previous experience as CEO and President of Getinge 1989–1997.
Carola Lemne
experience as Medical Director of Pharmacia, Clinical Research Manager of Pharmacia Corp., CEO of Danderyds sjukhus and President of Praktikertjänst Aktiebolag.
Christian Stentoft
Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer. born 1984. Education and professional experience: M.Sc. in Design and Innovation, Technical University of Denmark. Previously held various positions within Getinge Group, including VP Commercial
Katarzyna Bobrow
Executive Vice President Quality & Regulatory Compliance, born 1980. Education and professional experience: M.Sc. in Banking and finance, specialized in finance and monetary policy, Poznan University of Economics and Business and further studies
Capital Markets Day 2020
and the media to the company’s virtual Capital Markets Day on November 2, 2020. During the Capital Markets Day, Arjo President & CEO, Joacim Lindoff, together with members of the Management Team, presented Arjo’s updated strategy and financial
Marion Gullstrand
Executive Vice President, Human Resources & CSR, born 1957. Education and professional experience: Bachelor’s degree in psychology, four year education in Gestalt Therapy – Organization and group level and EMBA - Executive Master in Business
About us
About us - Find out more about us | Arjo Global supplier of medical devices. We believe that empowering movement within healthcare environments is essential to quality care. Find out more at Arjo.
Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB is Arjo’s auditor since the company’s formation. Magnus Willfors is since August 16, 2017 auditor-in-charge. Magnus Willfors is an authorized public accountant and a member of FAR, the professional institute for authorized public accountants in Sweden.The auditor reviews the annual report, the accounting and the consolidated accounts as well as the management by the Board of Directors and the CEO in accordance with generally accepted auditin