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Alpha Active 3

Designed for the prevention and management of pressure injuries,¹ the Alpha Active® 3 pressure redistributing mattress overlay system is suitable for a range of care environments, including home and community care settings.

Alpha Trancell Deluxe

The Alpha Trancell Deluxe provides active alternating pressure redistribution which has been designed for ease of use.

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PIP ETIK Brochure
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Alpha Active 4

Designed for the prevention and management of pressure injuries¹, the Alpha Active® 4 pressure redistributing mattress replacement system is suitable for a range of care environments, including home and community care settings.

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Alpha Trancell Deluxe Brochure
Type: Leave behind / Brochure
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Alpha Active 3 Brochure
Type: Leave behind / Brochure
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Alpha Active 4 case series
Type: Case study
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Alpha Active 5 Quick Reference Guide
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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Arjo Trademarks

Arjo Group Trademarks: Explore Our Brand Portfolio Discover Arjo’s trademarked products and solutions. Learn more about our brand guidelines here.

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Alpha Active 4 - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Alpha Active 3 - Quick reference guide
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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Alpha Trancell Deluxe - Quick reference guide
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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Alpha Active 3 - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Alpha Active 4 - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Alpha Active 5 - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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