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Alpha Trancell Deluxe - Quick reference guide
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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Alpha Trancell Deluxe - Instructions For Use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Alpha Active 5 - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Alpha Active 4 - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Alpha Active 5 performance testing Whitepaper
Type: Whitepaper
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Corrective maintenance

Medical equipment maintenance and repair | Arjo Medical equipment maintenance. Skilled service technicians just a call away. Committed to help you reduce equipment downtime. Find out more at Arjo.

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The Science Behind the Support Surface
Type: Clinical evidence brochure
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Arjo Care C19 USA

assist that needed to happen for a delivery, someone stepped up, regardless of their actual job descriptions and responsibilities." Ismael Duenes, VP US Service, credits his team with “everyday heroism” to come through for our customers even

The time factor in Alternating Pressure

The time factor in pressure injury prevention Why “Lower for Longer” is the driving principle behind the performance of an Alternating Pressure surface. When assessing the performance of an active alternating surface, the aim is to achieve lower pressures, for longer times. In independent third party tests, AtmosAir Velaris demonstrated full pressure offloading at the sacral and heel areas for significantly longer times than the other tested surfaces. Find out more on

General Terms and Conditions

Arjo: General Terms and Conditions Learn more about the General Terms and Conditions for Arjo. For more detailed terms and conditions, you can visit Arjo’s official page.

Our Guiding Principles

Our Guiding Principles | Arjo Find out more about our guiding principles. We are a market-leading supplier of medical devices and medical solutions. Established in 1957. Find out more at Arjo. Arjo’s Guiding Principles promote a customer-oriented, winning and sustainable corporate culture in which we together create added value for healthcare.


During periods of hospitalisation, facilitating mobility helps people recover faster and regain their independence to help return to life outside the hospital.

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Arjo technician helps customer

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