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Resolutions at Arjo’s Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting of Arjo AB held on 4 May 2018, the following was resolved.

Election of Board of Directors

Johan Malmquist (Chairman), Carl Bennet, Eva Elmstedt, Ulf Grunander, Carola Lemne and Joacim Lindoff were re-elected as members of the Board.

Fees to the Board of Directors

It was resolved that remuneration to the Board of Directors shall amount to a total of SEK 3,450,000 excluding remuneration for Committee work, of which, unchanged, SEK 1,150,000 to the Chairman and, unchanged, SEK 575,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the Meeting who are not employees of Arjo. In addition hereto, the Meeting resolved that work in the Audit Committee shall, unchanged, be compensated with SEK 240,000 to the Chairman and SEK 120,000 to each of the other members, while work in the Remuneration Committee shall, unchanged, be compensated with SEK 125,000 to the Chairman and SEK 92,000 to each of the other members.

Election of auditors

The registered public accounting firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected auditor of the company for a term of one year. The public accounting firm has informed that Magnus Willfors will continue as principal auditor and Cecilia Andrén Dorselius will be co-auditor. It was resolved that auditor fees shall be paid in accordance with approved account.


In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors and the CEO, the Annual General Meeting resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 0.50 per share. 8 May 2018 was determined as record date for dividend.

Instructions for the Nomination Committee

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal by the Nomination Committee for revised instructions for the Nomination Committee, to be applied until further notice, which in principal involve the following. The Nomination Committee in respect of the Annual General Meetings shall be composed of the representatives of the three largest shareholders in terms of voting rights listed in the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as of 31 August the prior to the Annual General Meeting, one representative of the minor shareholders and the chairman of the board of directors, who will also convene the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. The member representing the largest shareholder in terms of voting rights shall be appointed chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Guidelines for Remuneration to Senior Executives

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, which are principally corresponding to the 2017 guidelines, except for one amendment to enable to offer senior executives a variable long-term bonus (LTI bonus), awarding target based, measurable achievements with the purpose to promote the long-term added value of the company as well as retaining key persons on senior positions. The performance period for the LTI bonus shall be at least three financial years and the LTI bonus shall be capped at 100% of the fixed salary during the three-year period, i.e. a maximum of one third of the fixed salary per year. In other respects, the guidelines entails the following. Arjo shall have the remuneration levels and terms of employment deemed necessary to recruit, motivate and retain a management team with excellent competence and capacity to achieve set goals. The total remuneration to senior executives shall comprise fixed salary, variable remuneration, pensions and other benefits. The variable remuneration shall be fixed and linked to predetermined and measurable criteria elaborated with the purpose to promote the long-term added value of the company. The Board shall retain the right to deviate from the guidelines if motivated by particular reasons on an individual basis.

For further information, please contact

Jonas Lindqvist, Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +46 (0)10 335 47 47 
E-mail: jonas.lindqvist@arjo.com

Kornelia Rasmussen, EVP Marketing Communications & Public Relations
Tel: +46 (0)10 335 48 10
E-mail: Kornelia.rasmussen@arjo.com

About Arjo

At Arjo, we are committed to improving the everyday lives of people affected by reduced mobility and age-related health challenges. With products and solutions that ensure ergonomic patient handling, personal hygiene, disinfection, diagnostics, and the effective prevention of pressure ulcers and venous thromboembolism, we help professionals across care environments to continually raise the standard of safe and dignified care. Everything we do, we do with people in mind. www.arjo.com
