Showing: 483 results
Walker provides the support for taking that first step – for both patient or resident and physiotherapist.
Sara Combilizer
A growing body of evidence supports the effectiveness of early mobilization. When utilized, early mobility is associated with reduced ICU and hospital length of stay and improved functional outcomes.
Easytrack FS REP Instructions for use for model 9720090
Part 4 – Elevate Assisted Bathing to a Spa Experience with These Planning Aids
– Elevate assisted bathing to a spa experience with these planning aids Assisted bathing can be elevated to a relaxing and rejuvenating spa moment. Find out how planning aids help you to improve the bathing experience.
Ceiling lifts – A safe patient handling solution
Ceiling lifts provide a multitude of benefits to the healthcare facility as a safe patient handling solution. Take a look at several examples supported by clinical documentation.
During periods of hospitalisation, facilitating mobility helps people recover faster and regain their independence to help return to life outside the hospital.
How to prevent pressure injury during patient rehabilitation
is fundamental to any patient rehabilitation programme and is a core principle in the prevention of pressure injury development. With the impact of the current pandemic, the focus on mobilising and rehabilitating patients earlier and often throughout
How to manage microclimate in the plus sized patient?
According to a 2016 report by the WHO, globally there are 650 million people that are obese accounting for approx. 13% of the world’s adult population.
Empowering movement to prevent pressure injury during patient rehabilitation
is fundamental to any patient rehabilitation program and is a core principle in the prevention of pressure injury development. With the impact of the current pandemic, the focus on mobilizing and rehabilitating patients earlier and often, throughout
Phoenix 2
The Phoenix 2™ is a clinically designed chair to provide maximum postural support and comfort.