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Home / Knowledge / Mobility gallery / Bariatric Mobility Gallery / Barbara

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Barbara needs special consideration when it comes to her balance
Barbara has less mobility, strength and stamina than Albert and needs to use her hands to support some of her bodyweight when standing and ambulating. Barbara’s ‘pear-shaped morphology’ means that her weight is carried mainly around her hips. The design of all types of seating, including shower chairs with open sides, needs to take her body shape into account as well as accommodate balance and mobility.

  • Needs a walking device when standing up
  • Dependent on the caregiver in some situations
  •  Her yellow trousers indicates that she represents a slightly increased risk of static or dynamic physical overload to caregivers
  • Stimulation of functional mobility is very important

Empowering Movement

The mobility gallery plays a key role in empowering movement in both acute and long-term care, by enabling an assessment of an individual’s level of mobility, and how this will impact the quality of care.

Designing for Barbara

Arjo collaborates closely with architects, nursing home executives, safe patient handling experts, residents and relatives, allowing us to successfully design spaces to suit the individual patient’s needs.

The Positive Eight

The Positive Eight philosophy visualises the potential positive effects that arise from improving or maintaining a person’s mobility through application of the best care skills, an efficient work environment and the proper equipment.

Download materials

In order to ensure that you are best able to meet the needs of your residents/patients, we have compiled a series of informative documents to advise you on how to understand the varying levels of functional mobility, and how to utilise our products and solutions in the most effective way.
Go to download section