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Conflict between bedside falls, prevention and patient mobility – latest insights

Arjo is inviting you to join Prof Sue Hignett and Dr Mike Fray - both experts and professionals in patient handling and ergonomics from Loughborough University. 

In this webinar, we will learn more about:

  • how falls and mobility frequently originate around the bed space with the adoption of ‘one size fits all’ interventions exacerbating the problem 

  • how caregivers are frequently required to balance the choice of safety against falls harm as against the requirement to promote mobility and patient rehabilitation for improved function and discharge from care, and also

  • hear compelling insights from experts that challenges aspects of current practice and provides evidence based alternatives for consideration in future policies    


Dr Mike Fray PhD, BSc(Hons), BHSc, MCSP FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Loughborough Design School in Ergonomics and Human Factors

Prof Sue Hignett

Professor of Healthcare Ergonomics & Patient Safety at Loughborough University and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (FCIEHF)