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A Novel Non Pharma Approach and the Effect on Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Nursing Homes Residents and Their Carers

During this webinar,  we will discuss following topics:

  • Virtually all people with dementia (PwD) will experience behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) during the course of the disease.
  • BPSD are a relevant factor in the deterioration of PwD and are the main contributors to caregiver burden.
  • Non-pharmacological interventions are the preferred first-line treatment for treating BPSD.
  • The therapeutic role of a multi-sensory innovation that offers PwD a sensory experience bringing the benefits of music, therapeutic tactile stimulation, vestibular stimulation, and relaxation in an integrated way, especially for those in nursing homes will be discussed.
  • A recent clinical trial showed that PwD admitted to nursing homes, who were treated with the multisensory Nordic Sensi Chair (NSC)*, experienced a significant improvement in overall BPSD, and caregiver occupational disruptiveness was also reduced.
  • The results of this trial suggest that the NSC is a promising new non-pharmacological intervention with potential for improving BPSD and for use in long-term care facilities as part of the care plan for PwD.

* Nordic Sensi Chair is available in the USA and Canada under the registered name Wellness Nordic Relax Chair


José María García-Alberca

Dr. José María García-Alberca is a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist. He received his doctorate (cum laude) in Neurosciences from the University of Málaga. He has been living and working in Málaga, Spain, for the last thirty years, where he develops his clinical, teaching and research work.Dr. García-Alberca is the Scientific Director of the Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia, in Málaga, considered a reference in Spain in the diagnosis, treatment and research of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.He is Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Málaga. And he has published numerous original research articles in the most prestigious international journals and has published several books on dementias and Alzheimer's disease, the latest on non-pharmacological therapies for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.Dr. García-Alberca is the chairman of the organizing committee of one of the most important congresses dedicated to dementia in Spain, the biennial MÁLAGA ALZHEIMER CONFERENCE, which next year will reach its eighth edition.