PIP during the global pandemic: Prone Positioning
Pressure injuries are a preventable medical condition, usually caused by immobility in bedridden patients, developed by one out of two patients in acute care. Due to the excessive financial, economic and psychological cost of pressure injuries, there is considerable “pressure” on healthcare systems to reduce incidences of the condition.
While prone positioning, or lying the patient face-down (see Fig. 1), has been recommended since as far back as 19743 for treating ARDS, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has driven an increase in the necessity for and utilisation of prone positioning as a method to improve life-threatening low oxygen levels.

Figure 4: Adjusting the Wound Valves on a Nimbus Professional.
The Nimbus Professional mattress also offers the additional benefit of a fully-welded cover constructed from one of the toughest medical fabrics available7.
Extensive clinical studies8-15 on the Nimbus product range consistently demonstrate excellent outcomes for the most vulnerable patients or those with existing wounds.
Explore our Prone Positioning Solutions page or visit the Nimbus Professional page to learn more.
- Dardeir A, Marudhai S, Patel M, Ghani MR, Busa V. Factors Influencing Prone Positioning in Treating Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and the Effect on Mortality Rate. Cureus. 2020 Oct 2;12(10):e10767. doi: 10.7759/cureus.10767. PMID: 33033667; PMCID: PMC7532878.
- Koulouras V, Papathanakos G, Papathanasiou A, Nakos G. Efficacy of prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients: A pathophysiology-based review. World J Crit Care Med. 2016 May 4;5(2):121-36. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v5.i2.121. PMID: 27152255; PMCID: PMC4848155.
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- Bunker D, Thomson M, Chin Necrosis as a Consequence of Prone Positioning in the Intensive Care Unit Case Reports in Medicine Volume 2015, Article ID 762956.
- Dartex Coatings Limited, 2013. The Impact of Cleaning Chemicals on Polyurethane Mattress Cover Materials and their Propensity for Physical Damage. Authored by Jo Milnes MA(Hons), MSc(Dist), Technical Manager.
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