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Sara Flex seated transfer sling

The Sara Flex seated transfer sling can provide additional support if required during transfer and supports the patient/resident if they were to sit or in case their standing ability reduces during the transfer.

Sara Flex wipeable standing sling

The Sara Flex wipeable standing sling in conjunction with the lift enables a single caregiver to assist a patient or resident from a seated to a standing position, in one natural movement. Completely wipeable with no stitching, it can be wiped

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Citadel Plus Bariatric Care System - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Standing and raising

Active standing - Early Mobility | Arjo Active standing solutions. For patients who are able to maintain sitting balance with minimal support and move their legs against gravity. Learn more at Arjo. Sit to stand devices will help activate your patient to move from sitting on the edge of the bed to standing upright while providing upper body support.

Bariatric pressure injury prevention

Bariatric pressure injury prevention. Enhance the care and protection of fragile skin with specialised support surfaces. For plus size patients.

Sara Flex disposable standing sling

The Sara Flex disposable standing sling in conjunction with the lift enables a single caregiver to assist a patient or resident from a seated to a standing position, in one natural movement. It supports infection prevention and safe patient

Bariatric VTE prevention

Bariatric VTE prevention | Arjo Clinically effective bariatric VTE prevention. Comfortable and convenient. For plus size patients. Find out more at Arjo.

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Bariatric room solutions

facilities are equipped for plus size patients. For safe, cost efficient and dignified care. Learn more at Arjo. Our bariatric room solutions ensure your healthcare facilities are equipped for the increasing challenges of plus size patients and ready

Sara clip standing sling - flat

The Sara clip standing sling - flat in conjunction with the lift enables a single caregiver to assist a patient or resident from a seated to a standing position, in one natural movement. This sling has a more narrow design compared to the Sara

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Bariatric loop repositioning sling

The Bariatric loop repositioning sling assists the caregiver with in-bed repositioning and transferring plus-size patients in a supine position from one flat surface to another. The sling dimensions fit with the Arjo bariatric beds.

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