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Bariatric hygiene care

Bariatric hygiene care | Arjo Bariatric hygiene care for plus size patients. Dignified everyday showering and toileting routines. Safe and high-quality patient care. Learn more at Arjo.

Wellness and Relaxation in Dementia Care

Dementia care | Arjo Patient wellness and relaxation solutions for dementia care. Specially designed baths, relaxation chairs and more. Enhance the calmness of your care setting.

The Arjo dementia care product portfolio

Dementia care product portfolio | Arjo Carefully selected dementia care products. Assisting you in delivering person centred care around the clock, from patient transfers to bathing and wellness. Our carefully selected dementia care portfolio can assist you in delivering person centred care around the clock, from patient transfers to bathing and wellness.

Dementia care

Dementia care solutions | Arjo Dementia care solutions. Enable carers to deliver one-to-one care with less time focused on task- based necessities and more time for quality interactions. Our dementia care solutions are designed to support smooth care routines, maintain and improve mobility, and promote a calm environment.


Sitting - Early Mobility | Arjo Sitting on edge of bed. Solutions to facilitate care and rehabilitation. Sitting facilitate good eye contact and personal interaction. For high-quality care. The Sara Combilizer enables patients to be placed into a variety of seated positions out of bed.

Minimising moments of friction with person-centred care

Person-centered care for dementia | Arjo Person-centered care for dementia. To enhance quality of life for a person living with dementia. Learn more about our solutions at Arjo. We believe that it is only by applying a person-centred approach when caring for someone living with dementia that quality of life can be maintained, episodes of responsive behaviour can be minimised and dignity can be maintained.

Arjo technician helps customer

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