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The time factor in Alternating Pressure

The time factor in pressure injury prevention Why “Lower for Longer” is the driving principle behind the performance of an Alternating Pressure surface. When assessing the performance of an active alternating surface, the aim is to achieve lower pressures, for longer times. In independent third party tests, AtmosAir Velaris demonstrated full pressure offloading at the sacral and heel areas for significantly longer times than the other tested surfaces. Find out more on

5 things to consider when choosing an air-assisted lateral transfer device

Air-assisted lateral transfer devices such as AirPal are designed to assist with the transfer of patients who are unable to independently move from one surface to another and reposition within the bed.

AirPal Air Assisted Transfer in action

AirPal Air Assisted Transfer in action With the AirPal® air-assisted patient transfer system, you can transfer patients from one surface to another and reposition within the bed safely, comfortably and efficiently.

Arjo Care C19 CA

Arjo Care Covid-19 Report: Canada Arjo Care Covid-19 Report: Canada Part of our Covid-19 reports from Arjo field service teams around the world. From Canada, six field service technicians share how they drew from past experience to stay safe and support our customers “outside the box”. Part of our Covid-19 reports from Arjo field service teams around the world. From Canada, six field service technicians share how they drew from past experience to stay safe and support our cus

Rehabilitation through early mobilization after surgery – your guide to helping people recover faster

Rehabilitation through early mobilization after surgery – your guide to helping people recover faster Using assistive patient handling solutions is an efficient way to help regain or maintain mobility – and we are here to support every step on the way. Our Rehabilitation guide helps to empower movement, while reducing the risk of caregiver injuries.

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