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Arjo slide sheets

Arjo slide sheets with handles are designed to help caregivers carry out in-bed repositioning and transfers with less of the physical stress and strain associated with manual handling.

The Arjo slide sheets are easy to access and a cost-effective solution as they do not require floor or ceiling lift to reposition or transfer.

The risks of moving the full body weight of a dependent patient are well recognised. For horizontal transfers and many in-bed movements, the provision of a friction-reducing slide sheet may be a sound solution for reducing physical effort and improving patient comfort (1,2)

The Arjo slide sheets are made of a premium low friction fabric that can be laundered and re-used multiple times. The sewn in handles gives a comfortable grip for pulling and the Arjo pull straps can easily be attached to the handles when extended reach is necessary.

The use of slide sheets may also help to reduce the risk of pressure injuries. Pressure injuries prevalence and incidence is high in many healthcare facilities and they have a significant economic impact for the organizations, and also affect a patient's quality of life, morbidity, and mortality. This type of injury can be prevented with mobility and using textiles with low friction coefficients for individuals with or at risk of pressure injuries, in line with international recommendations (3).

(1) Fray M, Hignett S. Using patient handling equipment to manage immobility in and around a bed. British Journal of Nursing, 2015; Vol 24 Issue 6
(2) Bartnik LM, Rice MS. Comparison of caregiver forces required for sliding a patient up in bed using an array of slide sheets. Workplace Health & Safety, 2013. 61, 393-400
(3) European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. The International Guideline, Emily Haesler (Ed.)EPUAP/NPIAP/PPIA:2019. Section 6: Preventive Skin Care. Recommendation 3.4 Bed Linen. Page 88

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Each sheet has built-in reinforced handles or the caregiver to hold. The low-friction device helps the caregiver manage a range of in-bed repositioning and lateral transfers with dependent patients.

MaxiSlide Sheets are manufactured in a soft fabric, which can be fitted beneath the patient promoting comfort and reducing shear and friction during in-bed repositioning and transfers.4

Optional pull straps can be attached to the sheets for lateral transfers, avoiding caregivers needing to overreach.

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Product Information
Arjo slide sheet NSA0500
Length mm 1730 mm
Length in 68 in
Width mm 730 mm
Width in 28 3/4 in
Arjo slide sheet - long NSAV5310
Length mm 2000 mm
Length in 78 3/4 in
Width mm 840 mm
Width in 28 3/4 in
Arjo slide sheet - XL NSAV5260
Length mm 1730 mm
Length in 68 in
Width mm 1095 mm
Width in 43 in
Arjo slide sheet - long XL NSAV5320
Length mm 2000 mm
Length in 78 3/4 in
Width mm 1095 mm
Width in 43 in
Arjo slide sheet - XXL NSAV5000
Length mm 1730 mm
Length in 68 in
Width mm 1460 mm
Width in 57 1/2 in
Arjo slide sheet - long XXL NSAV5330
Length mm 2000 mm
Length in 78 3/4 in
Width mm 1460 mm
Width in 57 1/2 in
Arjo pull straps for slide sheets NSA0510
Length mm 660 mm
Length in 26 in

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Downloads (2)
Arjo Slide Sheets Instructions for use

Type: Instructions for use (IFU)

EN for Australia, International, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, New Zealand
Arjo Slings and slide sheets - Technical Reference Guide and Parts Overview

Type: Sales support material

EN for Australia, International, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa

* Please check with your local sales representative if the product is available for sale in your country.

Arjo Slings and slide sheets - Technical Reference Guide and Parts Overview

Type: Sales support material

EN for Australia, International, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa

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Arjo Slide Sheets Instructions for use

Type: Instructions for use (IFU)

EN for Australia, International, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, New Zealand

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Arjo - Slide sheets - Clinical application video

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