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Tips and techniques to consider when using slide sheets under the patient

11 April 2023

Using slide sheet devices for in-bed movements has benefits not only for safety, but also for the patients’ comfort, security and dignity¹.

The risks of moving the full body weight of a dependent patient are well recognised. For horizontal transfers and many in-bed movements, the provision of a friction-reducing slide sheet may be a sound solution for reducing physical effort and improving patient comfort.¹,²

Slide sheets can help the more independent patient to move themselves within the bed. They can also be used by caregivers for in-bed repositioning for the more dependent patient.

Furthermore, International guidelines advise using textiles with low friction coefficients for individuals with or at risk of pressure injuries.³

Rehabilitation activities involving passive limb movement can be aided with slide sheets reducing physical effort for the therapist and empowering the patient to achieve functional movement more easily and optimising mobility moments wherever possible.

Take a look at these videos:

  • Applying Slide sheets under the patient - Unravelling and rolling methods
  • Removing Slide sheets under patients – Tubular slide
  • Supporting sling installation with the use of Slide sheets
  • Using slide sheets for rehabilitation

Applying Slide sheets under the patient - Unravelling and rolling methods

Applying slide sheets under the patient using the unravelling method and the rolling method.

Removing Slide sheets under patients – Tubular slide

Removing two flat slide sheets or a tubular slide sheet

Slide sheet supporting sling installation

Applying a sling with the patient seated can be challenging and may be uncomfortable for the patient, with a risk of skin friction and shear.

Rehabilitation activities using slide sheets

Rehabilitation activities involving passive limb movement can be aided with slide sheets reducing physical effort for the therapist and empowering the patient to achieve functional movement more easily and optimising mobility moments wherever possible.

Slide sheets - Clinical application full video - 18 min

Applying and removing sliding sheets, placing a slide sheet under the heel, repositioning patients, prone positioning, skin off-loading, dressing and undressing patients, transferring patients in and out of bed, rehabilitation activities, supporting sling installation, rehabilitation activities and more.

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1. Fray M, Hignett S. Using patient handling equipment to manage immobility in and around a bed. British Journal of Nursing, 2015; Vol 24 Issue 6

2. Bartnik LM, Rice MS. Comparison of caregiver forces required for sliding a patient up in bed using an array of slide sheets. Workplace Health & Safety, 2013. 61, 393-400

3. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. The International Guideline, Emily Haesler (Ed.)EPUAP/NPIAP/PPIA:2019. Section 6: Preventive Skin Care. Recommendation 3.4 Bed Linen. Page 88