5 solutions to support single-handed care
The term single-handed care simply refers to a means of safely transferring an individual with the correct equipment and appropriate number of carergivers.
In some care environments, there have long been ‘informal working practices’ automatically requiring the need for two caregivers when assisting with patient handling activities. However, in recent years there has been a definite shift towards the provision of single-handed care, especially within long-term care settings.¹
"This shift is related to working and care efficiencies and towards cost reduction"¹
Freeing up caregivers allows them to meet the needs of more patients and improves patient flow throughout acute hospitals, enabling a timely hospital admission and discharge¹.
With the proper provision of ceiling lifts and other safe patient handling equipment there is a cost reduction associated with having one caregiver to provide the care². It is a balancing act without placing the patient and the caregiver at increased risk of injury and physical overload. For caregivers, this can help promote moments of mobility safely for patients throughout the day, whilst therapists can use the equipment as a ‘second pair of hands’ to support their patients during rehab activities, reducing risk of injury and lowering the impact on resources. Much of this shift is reliant on investing in the right equipment with the right patient and use of the appropriate care skills to provide dignified one-to-one care.
"It is a balancing act without placing the patient and the caregiver at increased risk of injury and physical overload"
Here are some of our patient handling solutions that support efficient one-to-one care:
Maxi Move® Floor lift with transfer sheet
Maxi Move floor lift is designed to enable a single caregiver to manage demanding everyday patient or resident transfer and repositioning tasks. It is a versatile solution that can be adapted using a variety of spreader bars to accommodate patient transfer needs.
Combining the benefits of a transfer sling for in bed positioning and lateral transfer, and the functionality of bed linen with soft, breathable fabric construction, Arjo Transfer Sheet can remain in place under the patient in between transfers. Testing showed no interference with the pressure redistribution characteristics of the surface the patient is lying on. A study has also shown that the Transfer Sheet can reduce biomechanical load on the caregiver³.
Maxi Sky® 2 ceiling lift with transfer sheet
Maxi Sky 2 ceiling lift helps a single caregiver to transfer patients or residents smoothly without any manual lifting. This reduces the risk of injury both for the caregiver and the person in the lift. It can support a number of different activities.
Using a repositioning sling in combination with a passive lift can help reduce the impact on caregiver workflow when rolling and turning a patient in bed.⁴
Seated activities at the edge of the bed or out of bed are also facilitated. Using the ceiling lift with an ambulation sling, combined with a walking frame, can offer additional support and confidence when practicing walking. This allows the therapist to focus on guiding the activity, while ensuring a correct use of the mobility aid.
Sara Plus® – powered standing and raising aid
Sara Plus is a powered standing and raising aid designed for operation by a single caregiver. With a detachable foot plate and the support of an arc rest and sling, Sara Plus facilitates active transfers as well as balance, stepping and gait training.
With the patient sitting on the edge of the bed, Sara Plus can support rehabilitation activities and can be used to encourage the patient to stand and sit independently and engage in functional activities that can help improve static and dynamic balance and weight transfer.
Sara® Stedy
Sara Stedy is a non-powered device that supports early mobility initiatives by enabling a single caregiver to assist sit-to-stand activities for patients.
Sara Stedy simplifies everyday transfers and can encourages patients to be active during sitting to standing transfers.
Carendo® multipurpose hygiene chair

Carendo multipurpose hygiene chair is designed to enable a single caregiver to perform the full hygiene routine, including dressing and undressing, toileting, showering and other hygiene tasks in a single transfer. It facilitates an efficient hygiene and showering routine within a single transfer, while allowing a comfortable working posture for the caregiver throughout the process.
In a Danish study, the number of transfers requiring two members of staff was eliminated when using Carendo.⁵
Supporting you to create safe and efficient environments for work and care
Based on validated external evidence and the latest guidelines, ARJO INSIGHT ASSESSMENTS provide you with an objective overview of the needs of your patients and residents, as well as guidance on the type and number of equipment required to promote mobility, reduce the risk of caregiver injury, and facilitate efficient workflows.
Watch the on-demand webinar now
Watch the recorded webinar by Deborah Harrison on Single Handed Care and person centered care approach to empowering mobility. Click here to watch the on-demand webinar.
Book a demonstration of our Patient Handling Solutions
Discover the benefits of our Patient Handling Solutions with a personalized demonstration from an Arjo representative. Click here to book a demonstration.
Harrison, D. Single Handed Care Part One The Winning Formula. ATToday, UK. Available from http://attoday. co.uk/single-handed-care-part-one-the-winning-formula/ Accessed on 02.04.2020
2. Smith H, Orchard S. The reduction of double handling in the community. The Column, 2009. 23(3)
3. Knibbe et al. Effects on Quality of Care and Work of a Transfer and Repositioning Device for horizontal transfers on an ICU, 2015
4. Totzkay, DL. Multifactorial Strategies for Sustaining Safe Patient Handling and Mobility. Crit Care Nurs Q, 2018. 41(3): p. 340-344
5. Hallström K. Wiese N. (2015) Improving Quality of Care and Workflow by Optimising the Working Conditions. A Case Study from a Danish Nursing Home. Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne 9-14 August 2015)