Carl Bennet
Born 1951.
Vice Chairman of the Board since 2018 and Board member since 2017. Member of the Remuneration Committee.
Principal education and professional experience: B.Sc. in Economics, University of Gothenburg,
econ. Dr.h.c., med. Dr.h.c. and tech.Dr.h.c. Previous experience as President & CEO of Getinge 1989–1997 and Board Chairman of Getinge 1997–2019. Former Board member of Holmen
AB (publ).
Other current assignments/positions: CEO and Chairman of Carl Bennet AB, Chairman
of Lifco AB (publ), Vice Chairman of Getinge AB (publ) and Elanders AB (publ) and Board member of L E Lundbergföretagen AB (publ).
Holding (own and related parties): 18,217,200 series A shares and 49,902,430 series B shares via Carl Bennet AB.
Independent in relation to the company and the company's management, but not in relation to the company's major shareholders.