Showing: 171 results
Loop comfort repositioning sling
The Loop comfort repositioning sling assists the caregiver to move or reposition the patient in bed including turning to and from the prone position, lateral transfer from one flat surface to another and lifting from the floor. The sling can also be used as bed linen and may be left under the patient between transfers (if clinical assessment allows).
“Carmen from Benevit: ’Movement means autonomy and a better quality of life for our residents. It also reduces pressure injuries, thromboses and pneumonia.’”
Evenda Comfio
As mobility declines, caring for the resident becomes more challenging and the risk of complications of immobility such as pressure injury increases. By supporting their individual challenges, and recognising that loss of mobility can have a big impact on the resident’s independence, bed features can help the resident maintain some control.
The Pentaflex range has been developed to provide a 24 hour care solution. The range includes a mattress replacement, mattress overlay and seat cushion.
Prioma Bedside Locker (BSC4)
The locker has an extremely strong and durable construction as well as a modern and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Primo Ferro
Primo Ferro is a height-adjustable bathing system designed to enable the care and treatment of burns and chronic skin conditions.
Prioma overbed table
The Prioma Overbed Table provides an excellent extension and addition to your hospital beds.
Enterprise 1000
The ENTERPRISE 1000 manually operated hospital beds offer versatility, ease of use and a stylish design at a very competitive price.
Alenti is designed to enable a single caregiver to manage the full bathing cycle while maintaining ergonomically sound working postures throughout the task.
Maxi Twin
The open design of Maxi Twin can enhance safe working practices for caregivers when transferring dependent patients or residents.
Our view on sustainability - Medical sustainability | Arjo Find out more about our view on sustainability at Arjo. We intend to build a sustainable foundation that we can grow on. Learn more at Arjo.
Maxi 500
Maxi 500 floor lifter has been designed to help caregivers transfer dependent patients or residents in hospitals, nursing homes, homecare environments or other assisted living centres.
Sara Combilizer
SARA Combilizer is a versatile aid that enables out of bed mobilization to the critically ill patient. Applying mobilization therapy as early as the patients clinical status allow may reduce number of complications due to immobility.
2 Function Crank Bed
The Arjo 2 function Crank bed provides a basic platform for patient care