Explore our extensive range of products available on the transversal contracts
Tailored healthcare solutions for your facility, including beds, mattresses, gynae & birthing solutions, examination couches, and bedside furniture.

Evenda – Design that Connects
Evenda is a long term care bed designed with mobility and cognitive care challenges in mind – to help residents and carers connect, and to help residents feel at home and connected to their environment.

Understanding the Importance of Compression Therapy in VTE Prevention
For patients at risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) is a clinically proven and well-established prevention method. Read our blog post to learn how it works.

World Alzheimer’s Month
Dementia care is delicate and complex, filled with nuances and challenges. We recognise it is not fueled by the pursuit of a cure. Rather, it is care rooted in the fundamental idea that behind each challenge is a unique individual with an unmet emotional or physical need that requires understanding and assistance.
Visit our home for dementia care to watch videos, get downloadable resources, learn about DSDC certifications and our products designed for dementia and much more - all to support person-centred care for people living with dementia.

Do you consider these 7 factors in the patient mobility assessment process?
The International Standards for manual handling of people in the healthcare sector discuss various methods of assessment1. The most essential transfers take place multiple times throughout the daily journey.

Introducing MyArjo: Your portal to Arjo tools and services
MyArjo is a personalised web portal providing access to Arjo tools and services with one secure login.
Sign up to get MyArjo access and begin your journey to Empower Movement today.

The Positive Eight Philosophy
Our care philosophy explains how facilitating mobility can catalyse a chain of benefits impacting quality of life, caregiver satisfaction, operational efficiency, and financial outcomes.

Mobility gallery
Based on 5 levels of mobility from A to E, the Arjo Mobility Gallery provides a basis for understanding how an individual can contribute to their mobility, as well as how to safeguard caregivers from injuries.

Rooted in clinical evidence and driven by your facility data, Arjo MOVE programs arm you with the tools and knowledge to reach your clinical and operational goals.
Arjo at a glance
Facts about Arjo
employees globally
Arjo was founded
100+ countries
where Arjo sells products and services
Empowering Movement
is at the heart of everything we do
We ensure value by
Preventing the impact of immobility
Promoting greater mobility with dignity
Protecting the wellbeing of caregivers
Optimizing costs and efficiencies in care
Global news
Arjo appoints Eva Brike as new Executive Vice President Human Resources & Sustainability and member of the Arjo Management Team
Dawes-Redman CTG Analysis™ receives 510(k) approval from the FDA
Change in Arjo’s Management Team
Arjo’s year-end report January-December 2024