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“I tell everyone that Arjo is one of the best companies to work for”

For Fatima Reyes Garcia nothing is impossible to fix with her sewing machine allowing her to produce quality patient handling products. Working as an operator in the Dominican Republic site, she knows what value her work brings – and she is more than happy to share her passion.

“I tell everybody I meet that Arjo is one of the best companies to work for. I love my work and my colleagues. We are a team. I can count on them, and they can count on me,” Fatima says.

“Arjo is a very special place. The atmosphere here makes you feel important. Everyone has a voice, and people really listen to you. If there is an issue, our leaders always try to come up with a constructive solution for solving the problem,” she continues.

Fatima joined Arjo’s team in 2015 – and she is grateful for having a job that empowers her on several levels. In the fall 2023, Fatima was selected by a committee of leaders to join the local Talent program where she was part of a cross functional business project collaborating with other talents to make even more contributions to Arjo.

“I am totally committed to Arjo’s visions and goals. It feels very satisfying to know that the products I work with are helping improve the lives of people with mobility challenges. My work also makes a difference for my family as it helps provide our household with the means for my three children to get a university education,” she explains.

Almost every Arjo employee in different parts of the global organisation highlighted in the series of ‘What Moves You?’ articles has emphasized the feeling of being part of a family rather than a company. Fatima is no exception.

“My colleagues truly are my extended family. We take on our challenges together, and we always celebrate our achievements together when we reach our goals,” Fatima concludes.