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TheraKair Visio

Das TheraKair Visio-Matratzenersatzsystem (MRS) ist ein modernes Low Air Loss-Therapiesystem, das für die Prophylaxe und Behandlung von Dekubitus durch Druckminderung, Kontrolle des Hautmikroklimas und Vermeidung von Ödemen entwickelt wurde

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TheraKair Visio Instructions for use Mattress Replacement System
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Was ist TheraKair Visio und welche Vorteile bietet es?

Was ist TheraKair Visio und welche Vorteile bietet es? | Arjo Blog Die TheraKair Visio Anti-Dekubitus-Matratzen mit Low-Air-Loss-Technologie bieten eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen für Patienten, die längere Zeit im Bett verbringen müssen.

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PIP ETIK Brochure
Type: Leave behind / Brochure
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Maxi Air Product Sheet
Type: Specifications sheet / Flyer
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AirPal transfer mattress Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Maxi Air QRG - Use
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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Lifeguard - Instructions for use Transfer Mattress
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Maxi Air QRG - Function, Cleaning and Disinfection
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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AtmosAir with SAT Stretcher Mattress Instructions for Use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Pentaflex Instructions for use 2 Way Turn Mattress Overlay
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Pentaflex Instructions for use - Premium 4 way mattress replacement
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Pentaflex Instructions For Use - 4 Way Turn Mattress Replacement
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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AtmosAir 9000A Instructions for use Mattress Replacement System
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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ConformX Instructions for use - 2 Way Turn Mattress Replacement
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Simulflex Instructions for use 2-way Turn mattress overlay
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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ConformX Instructions for use 2 Way Turn Mattress Overlay
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Pentaflex Instructions for Use 2 Way Turn Mattress replacement
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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