Johan Malmquist
Born 1961.
Chairman of the Board and Board member since 2017. Chairman of the Remuneration Committee.
Principal education and professional experience: B.Sc. in Economics, Stockholm School of Economics. Previous experience as CEO and President of Getinge Group 1997-2015, Business Area Director within Getinge Group, President of Getinge Group’s French subsidiary and President of subsidiaries within the Electrolux Group. Former Board member of Essity AB (publ) and Dunkerintressena.
Other current assignments/positions: Chairman of Getinge AB (publ) and Trelleborg AB
(publ) and Board member of Mölnlycke Health Care AB, Stena Adactum AB and Chalmers University of Technology Foundation
Holding (own and related parties): 500,000 series B shares
Independent in relation to the company and company management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.