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Showing: 438 results

Maxi Twin

Maxi Twins åbne design kan fremme sikre arbejdsprocedurer for plejepersonalet under forflytning af ikke-selvhjulpne patienter eller plejemodtagere.

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Amigo Assembly and Installation Instructions
Type: Assembly and installation instructions
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Typhoon Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Document (PDF)
Tornado Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Document (PDF)
Typhoon Assembly and installation instructions
Type: Assembly and installation instructions
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Document (PDF)
Wound Express QRG
Type: Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
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Document (PDF)
Insight Brochure 8P
Type: Sales support material
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Document (PDF)
Sara Plus - Leaflet
Type: Kit instructions
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Enterprise 5000X

Hospitalssengen Enterprise® 5000X giver betydelige fordele for både plejemodtageren, plejepersonalet og plejeinstitutionen.

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Evenda low bed height whitepaper
Type: Whitepaper
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Document (PDF)
Maxi Sky 2 Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Document (PDF)
Multiclean Product Sheet
Type: Specifications sheet / Flyer
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Carmina - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Document (PDF)
Skin IQ 365 Instructions for Use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Document (PDF)
Maxi Sky 1000 Instructions for Use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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Document (PDF)
Maxi Twin - Instructions for use
Type: Instructions for use (IFU)
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