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Arjo India celebrates 25 years of serving customers

This month Arjo is celebrating the 25th anniversary of introducing Arjo's products to the Indian market, coming at a time when providing solutions for various conditions arising out of immobility is more important than ever.

“Our focus has always been on both the patient and the caregiver, and a key driver for Arjo becoming a trusted partner to leading hospitals and healthcare facilities in India. We are grateful for the continued trust we receive from the healthcare professionals we meet on a daily basis,” says Chander Tahiliani, President, South Asia and Middle East.

Establishing Arjo in the Indian market is the result of a deep commitment to driving healthier outcomes for people facing mobility challenges. The strong relationships with clinicians, partners and vendors have been an essential factor over the years, as have the employees:

“Every one of our employees have contributed to building Arjo’s position on the Indian market, and I look forward to another 25 years of providing state of the art solutions, products, services and clinical education rooted in Empowering Movement,” concludes Chander.

For more information, please contact:

Samit Kamat – Director Marketing, South Asia & Middle East


About Arjo

At Arjo, we are convinced that good conditions for mobility in healthcare environments are a central part of offering high-quality care. Our products and solutions for patient transfer, hygiene, disinfection, diagnostics, treatment of leg ulcers, prevention of pressure ulcers and venous thrombosis, as well as our healthcare beds, are designed to promote mobility, safety and dignity in all healthcare situations. With over 65 years of experience in improving everyday life for patients and caregivers, and a global team of over 6,500 people, we are constantly working to create better outcomes for people facing mobility challenges. www.arjo.com

Arjo India celebrates 25 years of serving customers
Potvrzuji, že jsem se seznámil s definicí odborníka ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb. a že jsem tímto odborníkem.

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  • Je mi známa definice odborníka, případně vymezení zaměstnance poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb.
  • Beru na vědomí, že informace obsažené na těchto webových stránkách nejsou určeny pro laickou veřejnost, ale pouze pro odborníky a zaměstnance poskytovatelů zdravotnických služeb. Dále potvrzuji, že jsou mi známa rizika spojená s návštěvou těchto webových stránek jinou osobou než odborníkem nebo zaměstnancem poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb (např. neporozumění správnému fungování inzerovaných zdravotnických prostředků, nesprávný výběr zdravotnického prostředku nebo nesprávné učinění diagnózy).