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Arjo launches ESG index to gear up transparency and disclosure

Being a highly trusted company is key to Arjo’s continued growth and success. With the increased transparency of a new index presenting Arjo’s positions, policies and statements within the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) area, Arjo aims to strengthen its positioning in the ESG and sustainability domain.

“Increased expectations and demands from various stakeholders, as well as new laws and regulations, means that there is a growing need for transparent ESG information. Our aim is to make it quick and easy to find the desired information,” says Sacha Pardon, Corporate & Sustainability Communications Strategist.

The ambition to provide clear and factual information is supported by a new ESG index from A-Z focusing on various topics that are important to Arjo and its stakeholders.

There is also a new external policy document that brings together the company’s standpoint in a number of central areas and relevant policies in an accessible format. Visitors on Arjo's website can find links to the entire document via the respective topics in the ESG index.

The ESG index will also provide stakeholders with a direct way to access Arjo’s yearly sustainability report.

“As a trusted partner to healthcare, openness about how we conduct our business is a must, which obviously includes transparency on ESG topics. At the same time, enabling stakeholders to find information on our sustainability efforts will show how we contribute to more sustainable healthcare systems,” says Johan Östblad, Head of Sustainability.


ESG index

External policy document

Sustainability report

For more information, please contact:

Sacha Pardon, Corporate & Sustainability Communications Strategist
Tel: +46 (0)72 156 06 74
Email: sacha.pardon@arjo.com

About Arjo

At Arjo, we believe that empowering movement within healthcare environments is essential to quality care. Our products and solutions are designed to promote a safe and dignified experience through patient handling, medical beds, personal hygiene, disinfection, diagnostics, and the prevention of pressure injuries and venous thromboembolism. With more than 6,500 people worldwide and over 65 years caring for patients and healthcare professionals, we are committed to driving healthier outcomes for people facing mobility challenges. www.arjo.com

Arjo launches ESG index to gear up transparency and disclosure
Potvrzuji, že jsem se seznámil s definicí odborníka ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb. a že jsem tímto odborníkem.

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  • Je mi známa definice odborníka, případně vymezení zaměstnance poskytovatele zdravotnických služeb ve smyslu zákona č. 40/1995 Sb.
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