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Niclas Sjöswärd appointed new CFO at Arjo

Niclas Sjöswärd has been appointed new CFO at Arjo. Niclas most recently comes from the role of Vice President Corporate Control at Getinge, and his previous positions include CFO of Getinge’s Acute Care Therapies business area. Niclas will take office as CFO and member of Arjo’s Management Team in mid-October 2023.

“Niclas has a broad and solid background in finance, as well as experience in driving both efficiency improvements and strong commercial focus. He will be key to our continuing journey, and I am very pleased that Niclas has chosen to join us,” says Joacim Lindoff, President & CEO of Arjo.

Since 2014, Niclas has held a number of executive positions in finance at Getinge, and prior experience from companies such as Volvo Group and Accenture. Niclas has a B.Sc. in Economics from the Gothenburg School of Business.

Niclas Sjöswärd will take office by October 19, 2023 at the latest, replacing Daniel Fäldt, who recently chose to leave Arjo for family reasons.


For more information, please contact:

Maria Nilsson, EVP Communication & Public Relations
Tel: +46 (0)10 335 4866
E-mail: maria.nilsson@arjo.com

Sara Ehinger, VP Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Tel: +46 (0)10 335 4554
E-mail: sara.ehinger@arjo.com

This information is information that Arjo AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on June 20 2023 at 09:30 am CEST.

About Arjo

At Arjo, we believe that empowering movement within healthcare environments is essential to quality care. Our products and solutions are designed to promote a safe and dignified experience through patient handling, medical beds, personal hygiene, disinfection, diagnostics, and the prevention of pressure injuries and venous thromboembolism. With 6,800 people worldwide and 65 years of caring for patients and healthcare professionals, we are committed to driving healthier outcomes for people facing mobility challenges.

Niclas Sjöswärd appointed new CFO at Arjo
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